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The Most Awkward Double Date Ever!

Years ago, James and I were out with another couple. We'd decided to splurge and were enjoying dinner at a very swanky restaurant in Dallas. Uncertain as to what she'd order, my friend (I'll call her Dawn to protect her privacy), asked our waiter for his recommendation.

The friendly young man went into detail about which entrée he'd suggest. "I think I'd go with the prime rib," he said. "I've never actually had it, but everyone who has says it's amazing."

"Okay," Dawn replied, handing him her menu. "I'll try that! But I'm curious, why haven't you sampled the menu options if part of your job is to sell them?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. And, I can't afford to eat here!"

Having worked in the restaurant industry, I was surprised that the management at this upscale eatery wasn't smart enough to have their wait-staff sample the food. I remember thinking that was a big misstep on their part.

After a wonderful meal, we were enjoying some coffee when Dawn excused herself from the table. "I'll be right back," she said, grabbing her purse. A few moments later, she returned with a mysterious smile on her face just as the guys were taking care of our checks.

Seeing her pleased expression, her fiancé chuckled and asked, "What are you up to?"

"Nothing," she answered. "I'm just having a terrific time tonight!"

We were walking out when our waiter ran up behind us and tapped Dawn on her shoulder. "Thank you for buying my dinner," he told her. "No one's ever done that for me before and I really appreciate it!"

"Oh, darn!" Dawn exclaimed. "You weren't supposed to know it was me—I told them to wait until after we'd left to tell you!"

Dawn's fiancé held off with his frustration until we'd gotten into our car. From the backseat, James and I heard him demand angrily, "What was that about?" Exactly what did you buy him for dinner?"

Unfazed by his attitude, Dawn said calmly, "The same thing I had for dinner—except I also thought he should try the cheesecake since he'd been raving about it, too. I figured the poor guy probably hadn't actually tried that either!"

We listened as her fiancé proceeded to give Dawn an earful about wasting money and scolded her about how much she'd spent on a total stranger.

I almost lost it when she'd finally had enough of his reprimand. "If God puts it on my heart to do something, then I'm going to do it!" she told him matter-of-factly. "Haven't you ever blessed anyone before?"

Suffice it to say, her question shut him up. In fact, because the guy was a part-time pastor, I'm sure it infuriated him that she'd cast dispersion over his generosity in front of us. Neither of them spoke for the remainder of the drive home. When we arrived at their apartment, the couple thanked us for spending the evening with them and said they looked forward to seeing us again soon.

I think that's the last time the four of us went out together. Dawn called me the next day and apologized for their little spat in the backseat. Over the years, I've lost touch with her, but I hope she's doing well. (By the way, their marriage lasted only a few short months. It turned out the fiancé was not who he professed to be)

To this day, the memory of that double-date lives on with James and me. We still find it amusing to use Dawn's question in jest whenever one of us blesses someone without the other's knowledge. For example, recently, when I explained a charge on one of our credit cards for something I'd done, James raised his eyebrows at me. Of course, this was my cue to ask, "Haven't you ever blessed anyone before?"

Mathew 5:16: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Although it was uncomfortable for us to have to witness what we did, Dawn was right. If God puts something on your heart, you should do it!


Closet ClotheSure Week 32: The "Short" Week!


I love a short work week! It gives me something to look forward to and also plan ahead for what I'm going to wear to work.

Although 2020 has smacked us in the face with some new and unexpected surprises, my cohorts and I continue to soldier on, arriving at the office every day as scheduled, doing our best to provide property managers with a resource of vendors ready and willing to meet their needs.

I've paired this peek-a-boo sleeved top from New York & Company with a pair of black trouser shorts (also from New York & Company) with some short high-heeled pumps from White House Black Market. This outfit is a keeper!


By far the most "hated" outfit ever! Funny enough, I was thinking it might be a good idea to hang onto this halter top by Calvin Klein and the matching tie-belted shorts from New York & Company. While I try not to be influenced by others, I've gotta admit, I'm not lovin' the top. So, here's where I stand—top goes, shorts stay! (Love when there's a 50/50 resolution!) Thanks, everyone for weighing in on this!


Here's another short-set. A fun, long-sleeved number by Eva Mendes. Last week, when I teased everyone on social media with which outfit would be getting the boot, I was certain it was this one!

So, in an effort to purge my closets of anything that doesn't make me "feel like a ten", this one goes bye-bye, too! Heres's why: the bodysuit is a hassle and frankly, in Texas, when the temps are scorching, I need something short-sleeved—not a long-sleeved garment with short-short bottoms.


From The Garden -

It's early September and our beds have definitely felt the brunt of the relentless Texas sun.

Soon, we'll pull out the hearty moss ross (portulaca) plants that have adorned our high-sun front yard for the past few months.

Love to all! Remember—God is in control and hope is on the move!

In Him,



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