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From The Ready Room

Updated: Mar 2, 2020

Okay, full disclosure—I call it The Ready Room, but it's actually just a secondary bedroom with a "wee" small closet where I hang this, that & the other thing!

I love this room because it overlooks our backyard, a cool, wooded area that hill and dales down to a creek. (okay, the word "creek" may be a generous description since it's mostly just a drain-off for all the neighborhoods in our subdivision to Lake Grapevine)

We love it here because we see all kinds of interesting birds and wildlife. Trapper Jim (aka: James Simmons) has been known to relocate a "varmint" or two back down to the lake.

Admittedly, it's been mostly armadillos, but we've had our share of skunks, raccoons, and possums. But I digress . . .

Let's talk about The Ready Room for a moment. For anyone who has ever desired "that space" where they can mull over what they want to wear—away from their main closet, The Ready Room is for you! Now granted, as a reminder, the closet in this room is very small, but this is the space where The Great Closet ClotheSure Challenge was birthed! (Can I get an Amen?) #loveitorloseit #feellikeatenorforgetit #clearyourcloset #whyamIkeepingthis

Here's the image from the front of this post:

First off, every Sunday, for the past few weeks, I sit at this desk and think about my upcoming work week.

Outfit prepping is not for the weak. Think about it! In addition to deciding what you're going to wear, you have to consider accessories—including jewelry, shoes, and purses. You've gotta think about the weather and also what's on your calendar for the week. Truly, it's exhausting!

Don't you love the Jewelinx hanger topper? Find it at I found mine at and absolutely love them! Everything you need is right there on the hanger. What a fabulous idea!

I keep my Wonder Woman sign in The Ready Room where I can see it at all times! My friend, Janet Howe, gave this to me a couple of years ago. It's a constant reminder that I have someone who believes in me and who'll always encourage me. If you've read my romance novels, #30Love #Ithappenedinthehillcountry you'll see I give credit to Janet—or if we're reading between the lines: The Other T.O.E. (our middle names our both Elaine—it stands for The Other Elaine—super cool since my mom, my mother-in-law and Janet all share the middle name, Elaine!)

And now, I want to address the Manolo Blahnik shoes!

These shoes!

Pink and leopard-spotted, these pumps are a party waiting to happen! I'm not gonna lie, I bought the pink dress/jacket combo you'll see me wearing on Tuesday to match these fabulous shoes! Again, full disclosure—shoes like these are waaaaaay out of my budget. These were a gift to me from T.O.E. and I am forever grateful. They make me feel way beyond a ten! #feelinlikeamillionbucks #amazingmanoloblahnikshoes

Here we are at Week 5 of The Great Closet ClotheSure Challenge!

I'm gonna jump on out there and say the pink jumpsuit on Thursday is a real reach! Although it's been in my closet for less than two months, this high-maintenance garment is totally "riding the rail!" It doesn't help that James hates it (he doesn't like the sleeves on Monday's dress, either!) and more than that, it makes me feel frumpy and, for lack of a better word, "swidgey" (it's my blog, I can make up my own words, right?)

On a happy note, the four outfits for the week are all from NY & Co., so that make things easier. Thus far, I haven't been including some of the jewelry I'm wearing, but the necklace with the sweater dress on Wednesday is an exceptional piece. A Christmas gift from T.O.E. a couple of years ago, this black and gold, beaded necklace is the crowning touch! You can find it at www. they've got incredible, original pieces that will take your look to a whole new level.

Boot season is coming to an end! Enjoy it while you can!



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